OBSERVER (procedures)

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An Observer in Mission Control is tasked with observing Mission Control operations of with regard to the following of protocol.

Observer is not a mission critical position.


Observers are appointed by the active Flight Director in accordance with FLIGHT Procedures. Observers should only be appointed if there is a surplus of staffers in Mission Control.


  • Observers are not assigned any computer station.
  • Observers should be given a hard-copy of all procedures. This copy must be turned in to the Flight Director on conclusion of an Observer's shift.
  • All observations should be taken in a notebook assigned to observations for that mission at the start of the mission. This notebook must be turned in to the Flight Director upon the conclusion of an Observer's shift.


  • If a situation arises for which a procedure does not exist, the Observer should make a note of the situation, so that procedures can be developed.
  • If a Mission Controller is in violation of protocols, the Observer should inform that mission controller, or if this is a repeat offense, inform FLIGHT
  • Answer all protocol questions posed by Mission Controllers, and advise FLIGHT.