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What does CAPCOM stand for? Every article about something that is referred to by an abbreviation should explain what the abbreviation means - Darth Wombat 19:56, 30 January 2010 (EST)

CAPsule COMmunications ---BenzyneTalk Page 22:58, 30 January 2010 (EST)
kk, then I was right on Wikipedia - Darth Wombat 00:17, 31 January 2010 (EST)

Circuit Diagrams

My circuit diagrams for the CCTS systems aren't coming out very nicely. I'm especially disappointed that the power supply is causing the code box to break. I'm not sure how to format this properly.

I plan to add pictures of the new system to supplement the circuit diagrams. Stefanido 13:14, 12 February 2010 (EST)

  • Nice*, this is very well done. I was just wondering whether the switches for each telephone are seperate (individual disconnect for inter-hab communication, individual disconnect for communication with MC), or if it is just off/on for each telephone. As well, does MC have only one reciever? Because there has to be only one line of communication. - Darth Wombat 00:47, 16 February 2010 (EST)
The Simulators are able to disable each phone from either circuit individually. This means that each phone could be disconnected from the Hab circuit but not the MC circuit, or the MC circuit but not the Hab, or both.
Mission Control only has one telephone. We're also trying to wire the phones into the computer using the microphone jack, so that we can send signals over the VPN. I'm currently developing software for this, and will update the wiki with details on the final build after the Mission. Stefanido 12:55, 18 February 2010 (EST)
A link between the simmies and MC is important as well. ---BenzyneTalk Page 15:34, 18 February 2010 (EST)
If the phones work over the network (which I'm pretty sure they do now, but Stefan can elabourate on that), then the simmies will also be able to communicate using them, no? - Darth Wombat 21:32, 18 February 2010 (EST)
I haven't been to any after-school WSs so please excuse my ignorance, but is the phone-over-network working yet? And there will have to be two phones in MC, so that during a disaster CAPCOM can talk to the Hab and the Flight Director can talk to the simmies simultaneously. ---BenzyneTalk Page 22:59, 18 February 2010 (EST)
The system was working on Friday, but Chris tells me that some wiring came loose. Currently, the system is completely analogue: Phones in the Hab talk to each other, and can talk to the Sim area. If MC is run from 440, we just need to run a cable from the Sim area to MC. Chris is working on digitizing the signals. He worked out the input last Thursday (really noisy) and the output on Friday, but the output signal is weak, so I think he's trying to throw in an amp to boost it. I wrote some software that will relay communications over the VPN. The software is mostly working, but needs tweaking. The simulators can listen in and modify/veto anything coming through the system. All phones can be disabled, all buzzers (once we build them) can be disabled, communications can be scrambled, faded, filtered, or otherwise altered provided the Simmies write the filter into the software. Using the current software, it would not be hard to wire up an MC-Simmie comm system, but it would take some time, an extra audio card, microphone, and headphones for each of MC and Sim. If they really wanted to, Simmies could throw in an extra phone and use the current MC-Hab circuit, but then everyone could hear them. Stefanido 10:39, 22 February 2010 (EST)


It's not really software...unless you count Stefan's untested stuff. Hmmm.---BenzyneTalk Page 15:14, 25 March 2010 (EDT)