Logs 2012-13

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Official Logs

10:32 PM 02/04/2013: Launch Delayed due to MC error 10:33 PM 02/04/2013: MCC Benoit; Acting Flight director 10:33 PM 02/04/2013: Mr. Molloy; Capcom Officer 10:33 PM 02/04/2013: Mr. Lee; Engineering 10:34 PM 02/04/2013: Mr. P Hum; Logs 10:40 PM 02/04/2013: All systems GO. 10:42 PM 02/04/2013: Target set to AYSE 11:00 PM 02/04/2013: Time acelerated till correct Theta HRT 11:02 PM 02/04/2013: Launched 11:24 PM 02/04/2013: Mr P. Hum; Capcom Officer 11:25 PM 02/04/2013: Ms. Jeffcott; Engineering 11:25 PM 02/04/2013: Mr. Rebus; Logs 11:29 PM 02/04/2013: Initiating Docking Procedures 11:31 PM 02/04/2013: Starting time acceleration 11:37 PM 02/04/2013: Strange bang heard by astros 11:47 PM 02/04/2013: Succesfully docked with AYSE 12:04 AM 03/04/2013: Mr. P. Hum; Capcom Officer 12:20 AM 03/04/2013: Mr. Bredeson; Flight Director 12:26 AM 03/04/2013: Mr. Molloy on logs 12:30 AM 03/04/2013: Monitoring coolant levels 12:34 AM 03/04/2013: VA Ramclam has joined MC 12:40 AM 03/04/2013: commencing preorbital procc. 1:05 AM 03/04/2013: Shifts: MCC Benoit as acting flight director Mr. Malloy as CamCom Mr. Lee as logs 1:27 AM 03/04/2013: Waste is ready for venting and vented 1:30 AM 03/04/2013: Air lock vented 1:30 AM 03/04/2013: ECom problem. 1:45 AM 03/04/2013: Mr. Lee: CAPCOM 1:45 AM 03/04/2013: MS. BENOIT: CAPCOM 1:51 AM 03/04/2013: MR. LEE: CAPCOM 2:00 AM 03/04/2013: MR. HUM; ECOM,CAPCOM,LOGS,FLIGHT,ENGINEERING MS. BENOIT: FLIGHT DIRECTOR 2:13 AM 03/04/2013: MS.BENOIT: CAPCOM,ECOM,LOGS,TELEMETRY,ENGENEERING,FLIGHT DIRECTOR 2:54 AM 03/04/2013: ENGENNERING, COOLING PUMP OVER HEARING PIPE TWO. 3:04 AM 03/04/2013: ENGENEERING, HAS BEEN F\IXED. 4:06 AM 03/04/2013: MR. PHUM; LOGS, MR MOLLOY; CAPCOM, MS BENOIT; FLIGHT DIRECTOR, MR BREDESON; ENGINEERING, MR REBUS; FIDO 4:12 AM 03/04/2013: Mr. Emmett on logs 4:13 AM 03/04/2013: Mr. P.Hum; Capcom Officer 4:35 AM 03/04/2013: FD. P. Hum on Capcom & flight director 4:45 AM 03/04/2013: MCC Benoit; Flight director 6:54 AM 03/04/2013 Shifts: VA Ramclam: Capcom, EECom, Logs Mr. Rebus: Fido, Radar Mr. Bredeson: Interim Flight Director, Eng Mr. Molloy: Standby 6:56 AM 03/04/2013: Ms. Chassin Arrives for her shift. 7:00 AM 03/04/2013: MCcapcom logs on Auxcom 8:54 PM 03/04/2013: Shifts: VA Eglin: Capcom VA Ramclam: EECom, Logs FD Jeffcott: Fido, Acting Flight Director Ms Chassin: Engineering VA DeYoung: Admiral's Desiginate 9:05 PM 03/04/2013: De Young on CAPCOM 9:07 PM 03/04/2013: COM System confirmed malfunction. Audio Comms still viable. 9:18 PM 03/04/2013: Ittermittent noises heard from walls. ~1km from surface. 9:20 PM 03/04/2013: Hab lands successfully. 9:40 PM 03/04/2013: Waste water vented. 10:00 PM 03/04/2013: Shifts: VA Eglin: Capcom, EECom VA Ramclam: Logs VA LeClaire: Engineering FD Jeffcott: Acting Flight Director, Fido 1:09 AM 04/04/2013: Cmdr Dunbar launched an unsuccessful search for a solution to COM issues 2:35 AM 04/04/2013: Shifts: VA Ramclam: Logs, Fido, Guido VA Evans: Engineering FD Jeffcott: Acting Flight Director, EECom, CapCom 7:33 AM 04/04/2013: Hab only has 3 walkie-talkies and is unable to find working batteries

Lyra Evans Signing on

8:35 AM 04/04/2013 Hab claims to only have one EVA suit. MC is working on a solution.

8:39 AM 04/04/2013 MC creates a tempory solution involving work arounds to ill prepared astronauts.

8:46 AM 04/04/2013 Astro's begin EVA prep for 0900 EVA

8:50 AM 04/04/2013 Habitat informs MC they have one flight suit

9:01 AM 04/04/2013 MC informs them they are now late for EVA

9:02 AM 04/04/2013 MC preforms a demo for the Astro's on how to seal a wrist

9:04 AM 04/04/2013 Astro's inform MC they have no duct tape

9:11 AM 04/04/2013 Astro's enter the airlock

9:15 AM 04/04/2013 Astro's recieve permission to EVA

9:18 AM 04/04/2013 Astro's are informed EVA air supply is half over

9:20 AM 04/04/2013 EVA Astro's start decontamination cycle

9:24 AM 04/04/2013 Decontamination cycle is over

9:27 AM 04/04/2013 MC eagerly awaiting Pictures from EVA

9:31 AM 04/04/2013 Begin Debrief

9:34 AM 04/04/2013 MC learns about lack of ability to transfer pictures, then comes up with a plan to transfer them from Astro's to MC

9:38 AM 04/04/2013 Asteroid impact, astros do not check for damage

9:43 AM 04/04/2013 recieve map

9:45 AM 04/04/2013 Begin Debrief for EVA One

9:50 AM 04/04/2013 End debrief for EVA One

9:50 AM 04/04/2013 Begin Briefing for EVA Two

10:26 AM 04/04/2013 Astros enter airlock

10:27 AM 04/04/2013 Astros vent airlock

10:27 AM 04/04/2013 Astros exit to surface

10:33 AM 04/04/2013 Astros refill air

10:38 AM 04/04/2013 Lt. Cmdr. Melanson runs out of air

10:39 AM 04/04/2013 Astros return; decon; repressurize airlock 10:42 AM 04/04/2013 Begin debrief

10:53 AM 04/04/2013 Astros report: cave contains "desk" and "ladder" like formations; ground covered in small rocks, 5mm diameter; shale-like plates on ground; samples acquired of red, yellow, orange minerals 12:00 PM 04/04/2013: VA Ramclam issues court marshalls to all Mission Control staff members for failure to man Mission Control 12:01 PM 04/04/2013: Shifts: VA Ramclam: Logs, Engineering, Guido VA Evans: Acting FD, CapCom, Fido 12:03 PM 04/04/2013: Admiral Magwood arrives. 12:13 PM 04/04/2013: Habitat Decided to use the drill in the cave 2:08 PM 04/04/2013: Coolant leek, ammonia in c&c, power surges occur. Cmdr. Dunbar an Lt. Wanio-Theberge begin IVA, fixed coolant pipe. Unfortunately to fix the coolant leek, Cmdr. Dunbar had removed the entire pipe, with rupture the coolant system, rendering it useless for the time being. 2:17 PM 04/04/2013: EVA preformed, sample of green subtance brought on hab, drill has been deployed. 2:19 PM 04/04/2013: Shifts: VA Ramclam: Logs, Guido VA Evans: CapCom, EECom, Acting FD Admiral Magwood: Engineering 2:23 PM 04/04/2013: Loud sounds reported on hab, nearing meteor shower's projected time of arrival. 2:28 PM 04/04/2013: Checking current on engineering. 2:32 PM 04/04/2013: Short Circut suspected as the source of the previous problems. 2:59 PM 04/04/2013: EVA planned to see if they can fix the short. 3:02 PM 04/04/2013: Expirencing server issues.

3:05 PM 04/04/2013: File of suspected short is sent, recieved, analysed and understood.

3:06 PM 04/04/2013: VA Lyra Evans is bored and complaining loudly. To no one because no one showed up for their shift.

3:07 PM 04/04/2013 VA Evans retakes control of the logs computer

3:21 PM 04/04/2013: Shifts: VA Ramclam: CapCom, Logs, EECom, Fido, Guido, Engineering, Acting FD 3:25 PM 04/04/2013: Astros preping for EVA, Lt. Wanio-Theberge and Lt. Mersereau are chosen for the task. 3:28 PM 04/04/2013: EVA will occur in T-10Mins 3:43 PM 04/04/2013: EVA Occurs 3:45 PM 04/04/2013: Software issues on all sides 3:47 PM 04/04/2013: Shifts: VA Ramclam: Logs. CapCom, EECom FD Maroon: Acting Flight Director, Engineering MS Hum: Fido, Guido 3:55 PM 04/04/2013: Problem with door from airlock to outside, was not closing. 4:05 PM 04/04/2013: EVA Debrief 4:06 PM 04/04/2013: Commence second EVA to fix cards 4:49 PM 04/04/2013: Fourth EVA to fix cards completed 6:15 PM 04/04/2013: Cmdr. Dunbar thinks the green substance is organic as it resembles moss 6:16 PM 04/04/2013: Asteroid warning 11:59 PM 04/04/2013: Lt. Mersereau and Lt. Wanio-Theberge are off duty 4:15 PM 05/04/2013: EVA2 Comenced Pictures taken by Lieutenant Mersereau 4:20 PM 05/04/2013: EVA2 ended 4:48 PM 05/04/2013: EVA3 comenced Slate with petroglyphs, heavy metal box, solenoid and small disk picked up and pllaced in the hot-box by Commander Dunbar 4:55 PM 05/04/2013: EVA3 ended 5:34PM 05/04/2013: EVA 4 commenced 5:38PM: EVA 4 Completed 7:15PM: EVA will occur in T- minutes 7:29 PM 05/04/2013 (Astros prepped/dressed for EVA) Permission requested and granted to vent the airlock. 7:30 PM 05/04/2013 video feed from the Hab to MC cut breifly. View of C&C maintained, view of kitchen flashing on and off. MC's enginnering program closed, restarting in progress 7:35 PM 05/04/2013 EVA completed, astros returned to hab. 7:35 PM 05/04/2013 MC asked for astros to report back on effectiveness of new lightbulb. 7:37 PM 05/04/2013 The new lamp is "super duper" and no anomalies were sighted on the brief EVA. 7:44 PM 05/04/2013 Comm check. 9:37 PM 05/04/2013: BIOCONTAMINANTS IN HOT LAB, INTERLOCK AND AIRLOCK 9:37 PM 05/04/2013: MR. LEE; CAPCOM MR. P HUM: LOGS, ENGINEERING MR. THERIAULT: FIDO 9:39 PM 05/04/2013: USING HIGH PRESSURE TO ATTEMPT TO CLEAR FOREIGN CONTAMINANT 9:53 PM 05/04/2013: HIGH PRESSURE METHOD HAS WORKED TO KILL FOREIGN CONTAMINANT(S) 9:58 PM 05/04/2013: INTERLOCK IS NOW SAFE 10:23 PM 05/04/2013: MC HAS PROPOSED TO USE ENGINE HEAT FROM THE HAB TO KILL THE CONTAMINANTS ON THE EXTERIOR OF THE HAB BY HEATING THE DOCKING BAY OF THE AYSE DRIVE. 11:40 PM 05/04/2013: All astronauts are asleep.

Unofficial official logs

April 5, 2013

11:40 AM 05/04/2013: All Astros in CNC. They don't seem to realise the urgency of decontaminating the habitat. Instead they're complaining about the procedure.

11:41 AM 05/04/2013:

11:42 AM 05/04/2013: MC performs manual overide of Airlock door to enable decon procedure.

11:46 AM 05/04/2013: Astronauts Theberge and Melanson leave CNC for the interlock and return with helmets.

11:47 AM 05/04/2013: All astros leave CNC against the instructions of MC.

11:48 AM 05/04/2013: MC successfully uses the shaky CAPCOM to reinstruct the astros.

11:49 AM 05/04/2013: Melanson in the IL as decon begins.

11:50 AM 05/04/2013: FD Brockwell leaves MC.

11:51 AM 05/04/2013: Melanson successfully enters WC.

11:52 AM 05/04/2013: McDonald successfully decons in IL.

11:53 AM 05/04/2013: FD Browckwell returns to MC.

11:53 AM 05/04/2013: IL repressurized

11:56 AM 05/04/2013: Theberge in IL

11:58 AM 05/04/2013: MC confirms procedure and reiterates importance of speed in limiting contamination.

12:03 PM 05/04/2013: Mercereau is the final astro to perform the decon procedure

12:05 PM 05/04/2013: Mercereau has forgotten to open the Longouse door?

12:05 PM 05/04/2013: Astros returned to CNC

12:07 PM 05/04/2013: Astros appear unconcerned, and begin consuming food

12:07 PM 05/04/2013: Astros did not confirm that procedure was performed correctly

12:08 PM 05/04/2013: Astros belatedly confirm that all doors were opened.

12:08 PM 05/04/2013: MC confirms that procedure was followed

12:09 PM 05/04/2013: EECOM reads no biocontaminants

12:11 PM 05/04/2013: Astros remain concerned over having performed an IVA without pressure suits

12:12 PM 05/04/2013: Mission Control advises astros that this issue will be addressed at landing, and that further mission objectives should be broached

12:15 PM 05/04/2013: MC requests photos of the exterior COM array to allow diagnosis of COM malfunction

12:16 PM 05/04/2013: Astronauts all simultaneously pass out. Mission Control is unable to raise them.

12:27 PM 05/04/2013: ALPHA! Fire alarm survived.

12:30 PM 05/04/2013: Astronauts begin eating lunch, and do not acknowledge having been unconcious.

12:35 PM 05/04/2013: MC establishes contact with Astros. Astros attempt to use CAPCOM, but remain unintelligeable. MC directs them to AUXCOM.

12:40 PM 05/04/2013: Astros inform MC - intend to all break for lunch.

1:22 PM 05/04/2013: Hab uploads EVA photos to Earth

1:22 PM 05/04/2013: MC uploads day plan to Hab

Unofficial logs

10:30 PM 02/04/2013: Patrick Hum is a sexy beast. 10:30 PM 02/04/2013: Like really. 10:32 PM 02/04/2013: Trajan is really dumb. 10:35 PM 02/04/2013: Like really 10:36 PM 02/04/2013: DJ/MC Emmet in the house 10:36 PM 02/04/2013: I'm really awesome 10:37 PM 02/04/2013: This misson will be legend... wait for it ...erry LEGENDARY 10:39 PM 02/04/2013: This is your CapCom speaking. 10:39 PM 02/04/2013: Ms. Benoit: "You could do that at 4 in the morning when noone cares." 10:50 PM 02/04/2013: Caelin is at quickie... door 10:59 PM 02/04/2013: Not 4.20 =( 11:09 PM 02/04/2013: OCCESS Airlines is open for buisness. 11:12 PM 02/04/2013: We started it please end it over. 11:15 PM 02/04/2013: OCESS Airlines is happy to serve you with top notch service. Flight attendants will be coming around with refreshments. Thank you for flying OCESS 11:18 PM 02/04/2013: In case of interplanitary nuclear war, remember these simple rules: Duck and cover. 11:20 PM 02/04/2013: P Hum is still sexy 11:20 PM 02/04/2013: Like really 11:20 PM 02/04/2013: Oh yeah Jeremey too 11:22 PM 02/04/2013: I'm good at logs... If you know what I mean. 11:23 PM 02/04/2013: Like really 11:23 PM 02/04/2013: YOLO 11:23 PM 02/04/2013: Like really 11:23 PM 02/04/2013: Maturity HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 11:33 PM 02/04/2013: P. Hum says "Challange Accepted" 11:37 PM 02/04/2013: Strange bang was heard 11:48 PM 02/04/2013: We need to conserve oxygen, I suggest the astros stop breathing 11:55 PM 02/04/2013: Mc has been instructed to be good mormons. 11:59 PM 02/04/2013: Over 12:04 AM 03/04/2013: Hab to MC "Put the meat back in the fridge" 12:10 AM 03/04/2013 "While he was charge he did not dismiss us, unfortunately" - Caelan 12:20 AM 03/04/2013: MC Emmbryo on logs 12:24 AM 03/04/2013: Mr. Pattey Hum has removed his shirt, MC is experiencing high amounts of heat. 12:31 AM 03/04/2013: Could astro's please not talk while Dunbear is on capcom 12:33 AM 03/04/2013: "capcom are you wearing a shirt, over!?!?" 1:11 AM PATTYHUM is still sexy

1:44 AM 03/04/2013: Stupid rochelle 1:46 AM 03/04/2013: TROJAN FAILING CAPCOMMING 1:48 AM 03/04/2013: TRAINS FOR TROJAN BY MT RAMCLAM 1:51 AM 03/04/2013: TRAINS FOR TROJAN DONE 1:53 AM 03/04/2013: ROCHELLE GOOD AT TRAINS 1:55 AM 03/04/2013: MT RAMCLAM (MT = MASTER TRAIN) 2:08 AM 03/04/2013: TROJAN SLEEPS 12:37 AM 04/04/2013 2:21 AM 03/04/2013: 30 MINUITES LATER EMBREO AND CAELAN RETURN AFTER DUNBAR TELLS MS. BENOIT THAT HOW HE GOT THE MESSAGE, "THAT THERE IS SOME MAGIC SHE CAN NOT COMPREHEND." 2:33 AM 03/04/2013 WHILE VA.RAMCLAM IS TESTING MR.HUM ON ENGENEERING AND EVERYONE ELSE WATCHES A MOVIE FD.BENOIT WILL ALSO RUN A WATER DIOGNISTIC 2:56 AM 03/04/2013: FD.BENOIT IS HEARD IN THE HAB THROUGH CAPCOM AND CMNDR.DUNBAR THOUGH SHE WAS IN THE HAB. 4:06 AM 03/04/2013: PATRICK HUM IS SO DAMN SEXY HE BLOWS THE ROOF OFF 440 ALBERT EVERY TIME HE BREATHS. 4:06 AM 03/04/2013: LIKE REALLY 4:09 AM 03/04/2013: VODKA 4:10 AM 03/04/2013: LIKE REALLY 4:12 AM 03/04/2013: Dunburu does in fact have a yakuza tatoo 4:44 AM 03/04/2013: Mr. P. Diddy Hum on Capcom 5:55 AM 03/04/2013: Hey-zues wuz hear 6:27 AM 03/04/2013: "The last 2 logs have been at 4:44 and 5:55, so we need to have the next one at 6:66, wait that's not a time" - Caelan ReCKUS 6:57 AM 03/04/2013: Emmit is a life saver, insuses a "that's what she said joke" 7:14 AM 03/04/2013: LIKE REALLY 7:15 AM 03/04/2013: MC IS INFORMED THAT AWSOME SEXY PATTY HUM WILL LEAVE AT 8:00 AM PATTY HUM DONT LOVE THE MMCS!!!!!!

7:15 AM 03/04/2013: LIKE REALLY 7:15 AM 03/04/2013: TEA 7:15 AM 03/04/2013: LIKE REALLY 7:16 AM 03/04/2013: MT RAMCLAM SLEEPS AGAIN IN KEPLERERNICUS 7:17 AM 03/04/2013: GREEN PEGS AND LAMB 9:31 PM 03/04/2013: Lt. Theriault reporting for Capcom 9:42 PM 03/04/2013: Bowl wrapped in duct tape 10:06 PM 03/04/2013: VA Fancy 10:07 PM 03/04/2013: Crack is a hell of a drug 10:11 PM 03/04/2013: Never get butter from steve 10:13 PM 03/04/2013: Eggy McMuffin has words, on a usb key 10:19 PM 03/04/2013: Accountants want to know what the hab is doing, for monetary bling. 12:37 AM 04/04/2013: 50 wades of dismay has been published 12:38 AM 04/04/2013: The master of mythological creature seduction is tasked with keeping up wth logs 12:42 AM 04/04/2013: "My birthday is the only time when I get to catch up on my sceduale of crying in the corner."- The master of mythological creature seduction 12:45 AM 04/04/2013: thug life and engeneering life are the same thing 12:57 AM 04/04/2013: Killroy is everywhere. 1:09 AM 04/04/2013: Prepare to kawaii. 1:42 AM 04/04/2013: shallow don't be translatin into romanain and yoou gotta be say'in not so deep insted'a shallow man. 1:55 AM 04/04/2013: Wade is a dirty thief 2:08 AM 04/04/2013: nothing too bad but a rank smell 2:40 AM 04/04/2013: VA Evans want to set things on fire. Former Simmies. 2:41 AM 04/04/2013: Lawrance's Glorius Hole, what the ****. 2:44 AM 04/04/2013: Mr. French claims to be good at tetris, says "I dont go for tetrises, so i dont know my skills." 2:46 AM 04/04/2013; We have a critically alcaimed author in our presence. 2:46 AM 04/04/2013: i cant spell, dont hate 2:49 AM 04/04/2013: FD Jeffcott "Dont call people fat, its not nice." 2:50 AM 04/04/2013: FD Jeffcott is terrible at tetris, he done gooffed 3:03 AM 04/04/2013: Lyra Evans - Champion of Safety 11:01 AM 04/04/2013: "I'm not saying it was aliens -- but it was aliens" 12:00 PM 04/04/2013: VA Ramclam Rants about noone is in MC, Court marshalls EVERYONE BELONGING TO MC 2:26 PM 04/04/2013: Over use of the word current 2:33 PM 04/04/2013: LOUD NOISES 2:59 PM 04/04/2013: More Noises 3:03 PM 04/04/2013: Blah Blah Blah Simmies want to peg an astro with a meteor 3:04 PM 04/04/2013 VA Ramclam is a jerk

3:04 PM 04/04/2013 one personing MC isn't as much fun as it sounds 3:05 PM 04/04/2013: Simmies Plan to peg an astro with a rock, maybe even in simulation 3:11 PM 04/04/2013 Astros begin preparing for the repair mission

3:14 PM 04/04/2013: Rock sucessucfully embeded in wall, Simmies are wall-king on sunshine 3:16 PM 04/04/2013: Lyra's Puns Rock, Everyone else is stone cold silent. 3:22 PM 04/04/2013: I thought Danica was here to stay :( 3:25 PM 04/04/2013: Asked Hab if the read, no response 12:42 AM 05/04/2013: Spiderman phone has been fired from it's position as vice flight director 6:34 PM 05/04/2013 Dunbar says via capcom: "The smoke alarm went briefly off because we made toast and the toaster was stupid. and I am stupid 'cause I burnt toast. A good musician doesn't blame his instruments, but it's hard to make music with a toaster" 6:37 PM 05/04/2013 Dunbar informs MC that he is reattempting to make toast. 7:25 PM 05/04/2013 MC pointed out the helments onscreen, which prompted Dunbar to ask why he was being pointed out. MC responded that they were judging his toast-making skills. He retorted that there were no existing skills to judge. 7:37 PM 05/04/2013 the new lamp is Super Duper! 9:43 PM 05/04/2013: PHUMDIDDY IS SO SEXY 9:43 PM 05/04/2013: LIKE REALLY 10:46 PM 05/04/2013: FOR SOME REASON, OVER BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF LIGHTYEARS, THE ASTROS CAN HERE US TALK. PHYSICS JUST GOT FUCKED 11:12 PM 05/04/2013: SHOULD I COM CHECK? NO 11:41 PM 05/04/2013: Not enough people are asleep.


Formal list of reprimands:

Forgot 4 Flight suits Forgot ducktape Asked Simies to do their dishes Then gave us a dirty look when we tried to simulate to the best of our ability Forgot 2 EVA suits Forgot Batteries & Walkietalkies Forgot DUCTTAPE!!! Forgot Camera Cable Forgot phones don't work in space Forgot which way is open on tap Get lost on a map Forget internat Still doesnt work in space Emails MC a picture! >:(